Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik

An independent international centre for advanced studies


26 Mar 2012 - 30 Mar 2012
Course directors :
Joseph Bien , University of Missouri, Columbia, United States
Heinz Paetzold , University of Kassel, Germany
Gerard Raulet , Sorbonne University, France
Course description:

Due to expanding globalization and to the increasing amounts of unsolvable, seeming violent conflicts many societies are confronted with waves of people on the move, searching for a safer and more prosperous way of life. Immigration is no longer a minor matter. The shaping power of the nation state has been weakened and is under pressure. Formerly the culturally and socially homogeneous societies increasingly have become diversified. Toleration has become an urgent demand because living in dissent cannot be accepted. Citizenship has turned out to be a hotly contested issue. This does not apply only for the United States with regards Central America but increasingly troubles many of the member-states of the European Union. The course will concentrate on the above-mentioned issues and discuss them by linking them to questions of political legitimacy.

Course lecturers:
Joseph Bien , University of Missouri, Columbia, United States
Alexandre Dupeyrix , University of Paris, France
Rene Gabriëls , University of Maastricht, Netherlands
Regina Kreide , University of Giessen, Germany
Andrew Nash , University of Cape Town, South Africa
Heinz Paetzold , University of Kassel, Germany
Mura Palašek , University of Zagreb, Croatia
Gerard Raulet , Sorbonne University, France
Obrad Savić , Faculty for Media and Communication, Serbia
Tonči Valentić , University of Zagreb, Croatia
Dragica Vujadinović , University of Belgrade, Serbia